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Aristolochia acuminata Lam.

29.7 x 42 cm

Watercolour on paper



IDR 6.000.000

Aristolochia acuminata Lam. is a plant highly sought after by butterflies, especially the common birdwing (Troides helena cerberus) and common rose (Pachliopta aristolociae) butterflies, which are known to be nearly extinct. The larvae of these butterflies only feed on this particular plant. Although the plant is toxic, the caterpillars can consume its leaves by storing the poison inside their bodies and then injecting it into their orange-coloured spines at the back of their adult bodies. This serves as their defense mechanism against predators.

I became acquainted with the A. acuminata plant through a friend who intentionally cultivated it for butterfly conservation purposes. This amazed me and sparked my interest in immortalizing it through my paintings. Thus, I also want to play a part in preserving this plant by painting it to introduce it to the wider community, emphasizing its importance for conservation efforts.

In my introduction to the A. acuminata plant, it took me about three months, visiting my friend’s house twice during that period. I searched for all information on the internet, asked my friend about the plant, collected plant samples, and studied every part of the plant itself to gain a deeper understanding of it. After obtaining plant samples, I began the painting process. It started with planning the composition, determining which crucial aspects I wanted to highlight to become the focal point of the painting without diminishing the inherent beauty of the plant. Once I achieved the appropriate composition, I proceeded with sketching and then the colouring process. This series of steps took approximately one and a half months.

I used watercolour on paper as my medium. The watercolours I used were Winsor & Newton and Rembrandt brands, while the paper was Arches Hot Press weighing 300 gsm. In creating this painting of A. acuminata, there were challenges; I wanted to depict the larvae of butterflies like Troides helena cerberus or Pachliopta aristolochiae, but I have a phobia of caterpillars, so I have not succeeded in painting them yet. However, I hope to do so someday.

A. acuminata is a plant on the brink of extinction, and I feel saddened at the thought of butterfly species also facing extinction, which could potentially impact the Earth’s ecosystem and human life in particular.


Sriwardani, affectionately called Dani, was born on September 22, 1973. She resides in the city of South Tangerang. In addition to being a housewife, Dani also works as a face painter and botanical artist.

She has participated in various art exhibitions in Indonesia and abroad, such as: “Pengembara Molek” Exhibition (collaboration between IDSBA and Vietnamese painter Dúóng Manh Hùng) at the Jakarta Biennale 2021, “Berdikari” Exhibition (collaboration with Dr. Rudolfo’s Art Clinic by Rehartanto) at the Sarinah Thamrin Jakarta Art District in 2021, Flora of Southeast Asia Exhibition in 2022 held by the Botanical Art Society (BAS) in collaboration with IDSBA at the Singapore Botanic Garden, “Narawandira” Exhibition at the Jogja Palace in 2023, “Botanical Art Week” Exhibition in celebration of the 206th anniversary of the Bogor Botanic Gardens at Griya Anggrek Bogor Botanic Gardens in 2023, “Ragam Flora Indonesia 4” Exhibition at NuArt Sclupture Park,
Bandung in 2023.


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