Ceiba speciosa (A.St.-Hil., A.Juss. & Cambess.) Ravenna
21 x 29,7 cm
Coloured pencil on paper
Pink Affair
I’ve never been particularly fond of the colour pink. Yet, this one plant seems to have taken a liking to me, following me from Hong Kong to Cairo. It greeted me on my farewell trip with my best friends and warmly welcomed me and my family to our new home in this adopted country.
With its vibrant pink flowers, it brought life to the streets of Cairo, marking the late summer days with its beauty. I soon became familiar with the locations of these trees, using them as landmarks in my explorations of our new city. My fascination with this plant only grew stronger; it had a captivating effect on me, often lifting my spirits when I felt homesick.
Ceiba speciosa, also known as the silk floss tree, is the botanical name of this enchanting plant. Its enormous, showy flowers, nearly the size of an adult hand, adorn the tree during its blooming season, creating a breathtaking sight. Originating from South America, I can’t help but feel a connection to this plant as a fellow non-local; it seems we share something in common!
As the blooming season comes to an end, I find myself eagerly awaiting the return of their pink hues to grace the city once more. And so, this “Pink Affair” continues, adding a touch of colour and joy to my everyday life.
Deece Kadarisman
Deece Kadarisman is a botanical artist originating from Bogor, Indonesia, currently living in Cairo, Egypt. Being born and raised in the city that has the oldest botanical garden in Southeast Asia greatly influenced her love for plants.
When she joined IDSBA in late 2020, she finally found like-minded people with whom she could learn from and share her passion for botanical art.
Furthermore, choosing plants as her subject of art has brought her serenity and built a deeper connection with nature.