Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.
14,8 x 21 cm
Mixed media on paper
Trigger Warning
For some people, the seed pod of the lotus flower is a terrifying sight, especially for those with trypophobia. However, I find this object strangely captivating. Every plant has its own distinct features, and the lotus seed pod that I came across during lunch is no exception. Not only are these lotus seeds visually intriguing, but they also boast numerous health benefits. It’s unfortunate that their consumption remains relatively unknown in Indonesia.
Adelia Surya Kusumawardhani
Born in Yogyakarta 30 years ago, Adelia has had a passion for plants since childhood, often indulging in observing wild plants in her backyard. Though she began drawing at a young age, her interest in botanical illustration truly blossomed when she discovered watercolour as a medium 8 years ago.